Saturday, December 11, 2010

Two Singaporean Nationals Arrested for Ivory Smuggling in Kenya

African elephant

Recently, two Singaporean nationals were arrested in Kenya for having a connection to an alleged attempt in smuggling elephant ivory out of the nation. The two suspects were arrested on Friday when authorities suspected that they were trying to smuggle 92 kilograms of raw ivory at Nairobi's Jomo Kenyatta International Airport when boarding a midnight flight to Bangkok. One of them was detained, while the other was released after investigations by the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) determined his innocence. However, both suspects are currently being held at the airport police station before making their court appearance this coming week. According to KWS spokesperson Paul Udoto, the bust was made by the service's K9 unit. Due to the rise in illegal smuggling of wildlife, the effectiveness of the KWS K9 unit has led to several confiscations and arrests.

I'm very impressed to see that Kenya's own airport has a K9 unit that is dedicated in sniffing out ivory and other illegal wildlife products being smuggled out of the nation. Normally, a K9 unit is used to inspect luggage for any weapons, drugs, and other illegal substances. But in the case of Kenya, there are dogs that take the initiative in seeking out animal body parts. I also feel that it is useful to have such a unit in other airports across the world where the illegal smuggling of wildlife takes place. That way, more arrests and confiscations can be made along with more lives being saved. If it worked for Kenya, it can work for any other nation.

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